Hello Subscribers,
Tall and Tiny Tales is about to launch! In 24 hours you’ll receive the first episode by email, and a separate email with a link to the podcast. Every week at the same time, for as long as you remain subscribed, you’ll get another episode or short story.
For those of you in Australia and New Zealand, it will be Tuesday evening; in Asia and Europe, Tuesday morning; in the USA, Canada and South America, Monday night. You are a far-flung community!
To make sure your story doesn’t land in the spam, it may be a good idea to add this email address (stevefendt@substack.com) to your contacts / address book.
You can also use this address to contact me with private messages.
It’s great (for my ego and for the site 😄) to get positive comments, so please take a moment to leave a ‘like’ and/or a public comment after you’ve read the episode. To do so you’ll need to set up a short Substack profile. Give yourself a username and an avatar and a short byline if you wish.
Please be aware that any comments that you post on the Tall and Tiny Tales website will be visible to other subscribers and to non-subscribing members of the public who visit the site.
Importantly, if you enjoy Tall and Tiny Tales – please pass it on! I rely on word-of-mouth and personal recommendation to make this project work.
Finally, here’s my original poster as a foretaste of tomorrow’s episode. Feel free to share this on your social media too.
See you tomorrow!
Steve Fendt 😊🪕🎶