G’day TatTlers!
The third monthly edition of TatTle seems to have come round with surprising speed. Work (i.e. the ‘day job’), has been quite busy this month, so it’s with some relief that I can say that I’m now … FREE!!! Well, free-ish.
The aim is to ease into semi-retirement by just taking on one big textbook project a year, rather than three or four.
If that goes to plan it should leave me more time for playing and teaching banjo, looking after our beehives and our veggie patch, finally getting out on the Bay again in our little boat and going off on adventures in our cute little campervan.
And of course: writing more stories.
📚 Book news
It’s out! The Minds Shine Bright anthology Confidence with my short story ‘Gone South’ is now available for purchase in both print and eBook form from the Minds Shine Bright store.
It’s a first for me. Although I’ve written many stories for my language coursebooks over the years, as teaching material, and several of my adult stories are to be found online, it’s the first time I’ve had a short story published in an anthology. I’m prouder than a grizzled old author has any right to be.
Friday Novella
The first of my Friday Novellas, Cast Ashore, is coming to a close this week. It’s the fifteen-chapter story of Les Barker, a solitary man who suddenly finds himself faced with a surfeit of good fortune – and a dilemma which tests his strength of character.
The second novella will be Stingaree Bay, about the loves, laughs and improbable predicaments of an Aussie bluegrass band. It will start on 14 October.
This is a great time to jump aboard the Friday Novella: for a monthly fee of $5 you get the whole of Cast Ashore to read and listen to immediately, plus each episode of Stingaree Bay hot off my keyboard.
Heartfelt thanks to the generous subscribers who’ve already supported my writing with a paid subscription to the Friday Novella.❤️❤️❤️
Call for help: please share!
It would be difficult to overstate how important your help is in growing the Tall and Tiny Tales readership. Truly – I can’t do it without you, so if you like the stories you read here, please share them with your friends.
Charity of the month: Environmental Justice Australia
Australia is an astonishingly rich and beautiful country in its natural assets – which as a nation we seem to value so little. Every week, it seems, I read of some new and horrendous scheme to destroy great swathes of pristine and irreplaceable nature.
Environmental Justice Australia are some of the good guys in this sorry story. For over thirty years they’ve been using a powerful combination of law and advocacy to safeguard our health, protect nature and tackle climate change.
As so many of my stories are set in our beautiful Aussie bush and coastal landscapes, it seems entirely appropriate for me to support their preservation.
That’s all folks! Happy reading! 📖👀
Thanks Steve
Great work & a fantastic charity💕
Very informative thanks Steve xx