This had such an unexpectedly grisly twist-I was sure I’d heard of Lethe somewhere, the title gave me the chills and no wonder why! I recall now that it was part of Keat’s ode to a nightingale, and I naturally forgot it. I read the first chapter and thought it was about an old couple’s appreciation for nature and the slow life, but I love it when there’s an unforeseen turn of events! Sorry for this long winded comment, I thoroughly enjoyed this.
Thank you. It’s a slow burn for such a short story, but I wanted to set it up carefully, with just little hints at first of something amiss. I was intrigued by the idea of two old people, deeply mired in dementia but still in love, defying the forces of greed and evil in one last stand.
Lethe is one of the three rivers of Hades, the river of forgetting. You’ve already found Acheron, the river of sorrow, I see. I must get around to writing Styx some day, the dread river of oath 💀
Acheron is a real river, by the way and I conceived the stories there. Thanks again for reading 😊
That is brilliant I love the idea of binding stories to myths and legends, will be looking forward to Styx 👀 I’m sure there’d be a great story there about oath and loyalty and possibly betrayal. Loved Acheron too it made miss Australian bushland, will have to go to that river one day
This had such an unexpectedly grisly twist-I was sure I’d heard of Lethe somewhere, the title gave me the chills and no wonder why! I recall now that it was part of Keat’s ode to a nightingale, and I naturally forgot it. I read the first chapter and thought it was about an old couple’s appreciation for nature and the slow life, but I love it when there’s an unforeseen turn of events! Sorry for this long winded comment, I thoroughly enjoyed this.
Thank you. It’s a slow burn for such a short story, but I wanted to set it up carefully, with just little hints at first of something amiss. I was intrigued by the idea of two old people, deeply mired in dementia but still in love, defying the forces of greed and evil in one last stand.
Lethe is one of the three rivers of Hades, the river of forgetting. You’ve already found Acheron, the river of sorrow, I see. I must get around to writing Styx some day, the dread river of oath 💀
Acheron is a real river, by the way and I conceived the stories there. Thanks again for reading 😊
That is brilliant I love the idea of binding stories to myths and legends, will be looking forward to Styx 👀 I’m sure there’d be a great story there about oath and loyalty and possibly betrayal. Loved Acheron too it made miss Australian bushland, will have to go to that river one day