Gritting my teeth at the very idea that land could be too valuable to grow mere food on. I'm in Costa Rica watching these "same" developers lay waste to pristine jungle to put up cookie-cutter row houses that resemble hamster habitats. Great piece, Steve! I'm loving the story, even though it's a bit close to the bone! xo
Gritting my teeth at the very idea that land could be too valuable to grow mere food on. I'm in Costa Rica watching these "same" developers lay waste to pristine jungle to put up cookie-cutter row houses that resemble hamster habitats. Great piece, Steve! I'm loving the story, even though it's a bit close to the bone! xo
Gritting my teeth at the very idea that land could be too valuable to grow mere food on. I'm in Costa Rica watching these "same" developers lay waste to pristine jungle to put up cookie-cutter row houses that resemble hamster habitats. Great piece, Steve! I'm loving the story, even though it's a bit close to the bone! xo
Thanks, Dee! Glad you're enjoying it. Hope it won't stress you too much. 😊