When I embarked on this project, my aims were clear: send my subscribers one episode a week and nothing else. I didn’t (and don’t) want to fill your inbox with chatter.
Six busy months down the track, I could really use a little feedback from you on two possible innovations.
First idea. Rather than sending out random emails (like this one), I wonder about having a scheduled, once-monthly mailout that you can read or ignore as you wish. It would be nice to share with you details of upcoming stories, other publishing plans, maybe a little background on a current story, maybe the occasional short piece by a guest author.
Second idea. Thanks to changes at Substack I can now embed audio in my stories, rather than send podcast links in a separate email. But I won’t do this if it inconveniences anyone. I’ve mentioned this to a couple of you already, but feedback from as many of you as possible would be helpful.
Thanks for your help! 😊🪕🎶